WWW.VEA-INVI.COM, Koste Racina 6, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia,
Phone 381 (0) 11 2660 532, mob. 381 (0) 064 2673805

Prof. PhD Marija Slavko Todorovic, Lic. Mechanical Engineer, Fellow ASHRAE, Fellow REHVA and Fellow of WAAS (World Academy of Art and Science), Member of AESS (Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia), President of IBPSA (International Building Perfoormance Association – Danube Chapter, Guest Prof. Southeast University, School of Energy & Environment, Nanjing, China, Editorial Board Member of Int. Journal of Global Warming (Inderscience), International Journal of Refrigeration International Advisory Board Member.
VEA-INVI Ltd. is established in 2007 as an expert company for multi-consultancy. It is providing consultancy in all types of buildings (including heritage and data centres) architecture/construction, building service systems, HVAC and other technical systems focusing: energy efficiency and RES – renewable energy sources and technologies; dynamic simulations and transient behaviour study of energy supply systems, distributed energy generation, cogeneration/tri-generation; thermal energy storage and sustainable energy management; intelligent and sustainable buildings multidisciplinary RES integrated HVAC/building design and deep RES integrated energy renovation of intelligent, Zero and Energy-Plus Sustainable Healthy Buildings. Before 2007, it operated as an expert agency entitled VEA (virtual expert agency) as a multiconsultancy brother agency of the VEA MEDIA production. Companies started in 2003 from a collaboration of scientists and artists with an ever evolving idea of today’s society’s need for synergetic collaboration in regards of quality, precision, rational and yet creative and intuitive services in all commercial fields of human productivity.
VEA-INVI activities fields
- Renewable energy sources (RES), particularly solar, ground and ground water, wind and advanced energy efficiency technologies development and transfer
- Multiconsultancy in energy efficiency, RES and urban planning
- Multiconsultancy in the field of RES integrated building design
- Building energy efficiency and sustainability
- Indoor environment quality and health systems
- Building`s environmental and life-cycle assessment.
- Sustainable energy management
- Sustainable energy and HVAC system design
- Building energy audit, retrofitting and refurbishment
- Data centres, high – tech and intelligent buildings
- District heating and cooling
- Industrial energy efficiency and environmental technologies
- Environmental impact assessment
- Environmental engineering
- Daylighting and artificial lighting design and simulation
VEA-INVI activities types
- Project planning and development
- Engineering consultancy
- Preconstruction and construction design
- Optimization and Development
- Dynamic thermal and fluid flow simulation
- Knowledge management, Technology transfer
- Education and Training
- Buildings and systems energy audit
- Experimenting planning and analysis
- Testing and monitoring planning